New Enrollment 2019 – 2020
PKBM Homeschoolung Manunggal Musantara Cyberschool (MNC School)
Registrasi Siswa Online
Pendaftaran bisa dilakukan online dimanapun dan kapanpun.
Mengisi Formulir Pendaftaran /online here…
1. Fotokopi buku rapor dari sekolah sebelumnya
2. Fotokopi akta kelahiran
3. Fotokopi KTP kedua orang tua
4. Fotokopi KK (Kartu Keluarga)
5. Pas foto berwarna ukuran 4×6 sebanyak 2 lembar
6. Fotocopi Ijazah dan SKHUN (menyusul)
Required Documents:
To apply for enrollment at Manunggal Nusantara Cyber School, please submit the followings to the office:
To apply for enrollment at Manunggal Nusantara Cyber School, please submit the followings to the office:
- Registration Fee Rp. 1,000,000
- Completed Application Form, click here…
- A copy of Student’s Birth Certificate
- Diploma (for elementary and middle school) and UN report
- Transcript or report card from the previous school
- Parents ID cards (Passport and KITAS for foreign citizens) and Family Card
- Student’s Passport size photo (2 photos 4cmx6cm)
- Transfer students should provide reference letter from their previous school
- Foreign students must provide recommendation letter for studying in Indonesia from Indonesia Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud)
- Any student who transferred from overseas countries must provide notification letter of Equivalence from Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud)
Admission procedure:
- Complete online registration click here…
- Registration fee: Rp 1,000,000,– paid upon submission of the application or transfer to Yayasan Bina Edukasi Nusantara bank account at the Bank Mandiri.
Account holder: Yayasan Bina Edukasi Nusantara
Bank Name: Mandiri, Pamulang
Bank Account: 1640002829473
Currency: IDR
(Please identify the payment with either the name of student(s) and send a copy receipt and bank transfer information by email or Whatsapp083813960556)
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