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Bimtek The Power Of Public speaking dari Gradasi Womenrise

What are the Importance of Public Speaking?

Public speaking is a great way of building personal development on many levels, since improving communication skills is helpful in almost every area of life. 

1. Career advancement
Effective public speaking skills can help with career advancement, as they indicate creativity, critical thinking skills, leadership abilities, poise, and professionalism, qualities which are very valuable for the job market.

Speaking at events and conferences is a good way of building credibility. The more well known the event the better, as you can add these speaking achievements to your resume.

Public speaking can also help you stand out at work. You'll learn to speak up in meetings, to promote your ideas, and to present yourself as a professional. Speaking skills can also help you excel in job interviews.

After speaking at a few events, people will remember you and begin to see you as an authoritative figure on your area of expertise. You’ll find yourself getting new client and business from people who watched you speak. All sorts of new business and speaking opportunities will open up for you.

2. Boost confidence
Public speaking can significantly boost your confidence. Overcoming the fears and insecurities that accompany public speaking is empowering. Furthermore, connecting with audiences can be a strong reminder that you have valuable insights and opinions to share with the world.

Your confidence levels will grow as you go from speaking to small groups of people up to large audiences. This will benefit you not just on stage, but in everyday life as well, whether it be in a meeting or on a date.

A study by North Carolina Cooperative Extension of people aged 9 to 18 who participated in a public speaking program found that public speaking increased confidence. The study found that meeting a goal was an important factor when it came to increasing the students confidence.

3. Personal development

Communication skills are crucial for personal and professional success and improving this area is one of the greatest benefits of public speaking. Preparing a speech forces speakers to take a step back and think critically about effective ways to communicate. In everyday life, it’s easy to fall back on communication habits we formed many years ago.

4. Expand your professional network

Another benefit of public speaking is that when you speak at an event, you will suddenly find that everyone wants to talk with you. This is a valuable opportunity for making friends, building business contacts and generating business.

Bimtek Virtual The Power Of Public speaking dari Gradasi Womenrise.

Tugas nya adalah membuat video berdurasi 5 menit perkenalan diri dan usaha ( produk / jasa ) Ibu, kemudian di upload ke youtube dan link youtubenya bisa di kumpulkan.

*Hasil tugas akan di direview di Zoom nanti malam,*

Miggu. 24 Januari 2021,

Jam 19.30 - 21.30 WIB

*Narasumber : Irawati Puspitasari Tr,SH. MM. CHCM - Gradasi Womenrise*

*Akses Zoom Meeting nanti malam*

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